Traveller ServicesBusiness ServicesFAQPrivacy

What is it you do?

Our core business is the creation of personalized itinerary for individuals who are interested in having a vacation experience different than the usual cookie cutter vacation experience. We do this by listening to what kind of vacation you are interested in, add any special requests you may have and combine this with our knowledge and experience to produce an itinerary that is specifically designed for you. Your personalized itinerary is a day by day plan with the level of detailed information you request about transportation, accommodation, attractions and restaurants etc. We also provide consultation to the travel industry and publish a free travel newsletter.

What exactly does a personalized itinerary contain?

Our service contains four essential steps:

Inquiry and Initial Consultation
– we listen to your wants and determine the type of vacation you are interested in by asking you to answer some easy and fun questions. There is no charge for this part of the service.

Feedback – We give you the results of the consultation by providing 2 or 3 possible itineraries that reflect your interests. We include an estimated cost for each of the itineraries.

Creation of Your Personalized Itinerary - We provide an itinerary that is designed just for you. We include a the level of detail that you request, all the way to including personalized maps showing your accommodation and suggested dining places. This is all presented to you in a convenient format so you can take it with you on your trip.

Refinement of Itinerary and Trip Enhancements Selection – This gives the opportunity to review your itinerary and tweak it if you have changed your mind about any of the elements. It at this time to you can make your decision about participating in any of the enhancements that others have found valuable such as: packing consultation; electronic maps and guides; home maintenance; pet sitting; and a communication package.

Can you help me plan a trip to ...?

We only provide service in areas that we feel that we have sufficient information and knowledge about. This means currently, we provide services to those who want to travel to Europe and the Caribbean. We are hopeful of expanding our areas of expertise in the near future.

How much does this all cost?

Inquiries and initial consultations are always free. The cost of a customized itinerary varies based on the level of complexity of the trip and the services required. Cost for the itinerary can range from 5% to 22% the cost of the entire trip based on the complexity of the itinerary.

Isn't that expensive? I can use the internet or go to a travel agent and not pay anything.

The cost of travel provided by travel agents often includes a commission fee paid by the tour operator to the travel agent. With the internet you have no way of determining how the literally thousands of sites the right one for you and your needs. We strongly feel believe that if you compare a package tour purchased through a travel agency and a customized itinerary prepared by us, you will discover that there is truly no comparison between the one size fits all approach of a packaged tour and a customized itinerary prepared just for you.

How much can I save by using your service?

It depends. It depends on your the level of service you have requested, the type of vacation you are wanting and how you choose to book your vacation. However, it is important to say we tailor your trip specifically for you. Your trip will contain all of the features that are important to you and not features that 'others' might find interesting. For many of our clients value is not defined by how much something costs, rather it refers to the what they receive in return.

Are you a travel agency? Can I book my trip through you?

We are not a travel agency and so you can not book your trip through us. In fact we don't sell any type of travel service. Our business is to translate your travel needs and interests into a customized itinerary.

Why aren't you a travel agency?

Travel agencies are generally in the middle of a process that starts with large travel providers and ends with you. We feel that it is important that you know that in using our services that we are working for you and not some large travel provider.

O.K. How do I book my trip?

This is up to you. We can help you by showing you step by step, how you can book it yourself or we can refer you to a recommended travel agency or you can take your travel itinerary to a travel agent of your choice.

Do you provide estimates regarding costs?

Definitely. We are upfront about the cost of service and we provide an estimate prior to starting so there is never a surprise about the cost of the service.

Can you recommend a resort in ...?

CRD Travel Services provides personalized itineraries. If you want to go to one destination for a week or two, we suggest you consult with a travel agent or refer to the Internet for reviews.

I want to take a vacation next Monday, can you help?

As you can imagine, it takes time for us to ensure that the itinerary we design is specifically for you. The more complex the itinerary the longer it takes to prepare. Based on the level of complexity, most customers have found 4 to 6 weeks works best for them. If price is a consideration, earlier is usually cheaper and certainly increases options.

Is your newsletter really free? Won't you sell my information or send me junk mail?

Yes it is really free and no we will not sell your information - ever. Just let us know if you want to stop receiving it. Have a look at our privacy policy and afterwards, if you have any questions, just ask.

How come you are providing this newsletter with travel information for free?

Our business is to provide travel information that is specifically tailored to meet your needs. In the course of doing our “work” we come across a vast array of information that we want to share in the newsletter.

Will you send the newsletter to my friend?

Yes, if you give us their e-mail address, we will send them an invitation asking if they would like to receive the newsletter. The way the newsletter is formatted it will work best if we send it directly to them rather than you forwarding your copy.


Sign up for our FREE Newsletter
To give you an opportunity to explore new and exciting travel ideas, we have developed a FREE monthly newsletter highlighting many unique travel opportunities. This is available to you with no obligations. You will find each newsletter full of ideas and tips that you can use to plan your next vacation. Just enter your email address below to start receiving our newsletter each month.